Johnida M Pena
Meet our dedicated and accomplished Executive Director, Johnida Pena, a seasoned healthcare professional with 13 years of experience, leveraging these qualifications to navigate and excel in the dynamic healthcare landscape. Holding a bachelor’s degree in business management and certified as a Project Manager, Johnida has a proven track record Having managed pivotal projects for one of central Florida’s top hospitals. Johnida is well-versed in the intricacies of healthcare administration. As a 340B certified representative, she possesses specialized expertise in auditing, billing, and patient care, as well as contributing to the hospital’s success.
Beyond the professional endeavors, Johnida is a compassionate individual who values community engagement and is deeply committed to giving back. Her involvement extends beyond routine healthcare duties, actively participating in local initiatives that promote health and well-being. Outside of professional achievements, Johnida is a devoted wife, stepmother, daughter, sister, and aunt, reflecting a balance of personal and professional commitment. Whether volunteering at community clinics organizing health awareness campaigns, or collaborating with local charities, Johnida exemplifies a holistic approach to healthcare that extends into the community. She is not just a healthcare professional; she is a compassionate advocate for community well-being. Johnida not only excels in healthcare but also exemplifies a commitment to community service. Her active involvement in various community initiatives showcases a deep-seated dedication to making a positive impact beyond the clinic’s walls. Join us in celebrating Johnida’s leadership, expertise, and unwavering passion for healthcare and community well-being. Her dedication to both healthcare excellence and community service defines her role as our Executive Director, embodying the values that drive our organization’s mission.